Sunday, January 9, 2011

Verdict Day

Tomorrow is a huge day for me.  I will see 2 doctors and find out if my femur is healing according to plan and whether my knee will require surgery.  If the femur is healing well, I should be off the crutches soon.  However, I may be back on them in short order if the knee requires significant repair.

It's been a journey and then some over these past 3 months and 1 week (not than I'm counting or anything).    My attitude has improved as I get closer to being able to walk without crutches.  It's been so wonderful to be able to spin on the bike and walk with some weight on the leg.  One doctor told me I could be at 100% weight bearing by now and the other said 50%.  I've split the difference.  I test the limits at times, but generally have been conservative.  Over the past 4 weeks, I have been spinning on the stationary bike about 5 days per week.  Yesterday, I had my best effort at 18.75 miles in one hour.  It felt good to crank and get the heart rate up.

Today, I went easier and concentrated on core and upper body work.  I think this is the strongest my core has been since high school.  It feels good.  The kicker was when I went to the supermarket and pushed a shopping cart by myself with no crutches.  I usually just carry a small bag for a couple items when I am alone.  It is a real drag and very inefficient.  Today was an adventure, but great fun experimenting with the cart.  I beamed with pride as I pushed it around the place.  I purchased a full load and then realized I needed to get it all in the house with my crutches.  Oops!  Another adventure!  It took awhile, but I did it.

It's been tough these past 3 months, but the small daily improvements keep me motivated.  I'd like to start hitting the pool again once I get rid of the crutches (it's just too scary around wet stuff).  It feels good to get bits of my independence back.  When I accomplish something for the first time, I look around with a big smile like a little kid.  It feels good!

My prediction for tomorrow is good news on the bone healing.  With all the work I have done over the past 4 weeks and increased protein intake, it has to be progressing.  The best news will be when I can go full weight bearing and get rid of these crutches!  The verdict on the knee will be interesting - I honestly have no idea what the Doc will tell me.  Sometimes I think it will be fine, and at other times I think the opposite.

"Everything happens for a reason", I have often heard this statement and I believe it is true.  Some things are too uncanny to figure otherwise.  While I have missed my independence over the last few months, I have experienced things that I probably would never have taken the time to enjoy.  My relationship with Charlotte has grown deeper as a result of the fall as she has been there with me every step of the way.  I'm grateful to the Goat, EuroMan, and many other friends who have leant a helping hand during my time of need.   My girls have transitioned to new phases of their lives during this period, and it's been great to be there to watch them.  I feel that I have a different perspective on life and no longer sweat the little stuff.   Isn't it all little stuff?

Life is good!  I know 2011 will be another great adventure.  I hope you all have great plans for the year ahead.  As for me, I will walk before I run, but running isn't too far away.  Hope to see you out on the trails soon!  After all, we need to mark the course for Traprock 2011!



1 comment:

Lalaith Means Laughter said...

I am sending all my positive energy your way!!!!!